Matorral is a term used for Mediterranean shrubland and in Chile this vegetation type extends approximately from the regions of Coquimbo to Biobío where it is concentrated in the coastal mountain range and in the Andean foothills. It forms part of the sclerophyllous vegetation comprising plants with hard and leathery leaves. On north-facing sunny slopes the scrub formation is open and includes cacti and bromeliads. On the wetter and shadier southern slopes, the shrub and low tree cover is much denser. Today, only a small percentage of this type of vegetation remains intact due to human intervention. The sclerophyllous forests of central Chile are distributed from sea level to 1300 m in the coastal mountains, and from 1400-2200 m on the slopes of the Andes. Common trees include Crinodendron patagua, Cryptocarya alba, Lithrea caustica, Persea lingue, Peumus boldus and Quillaja saponaria. The moister forests have almost closed canopies with trees attaining heights of between 8-12 m. Under drier conditions the canopy has a lower stature and is more open as seen on the Andean slopes, where dominant species include Kageneckia angustifolia, Guindilia trinervis, and Colliguaja integerrima. These forests are almost entirely evergreen with the notable exception of Nothofagus species, especially N. macrocarpa. One of the best examples of unmodified sclerophyllous forest can be found in La Campana National Park. This protected area is home to the largest population of the palm, Jubaea chilensis, once widely distributed, but currently reduced and threatened by commercial exploitation of its sap and fruits.
Endemic Taxa in Mountain matorral & sclerophyllous forest
- Acaena trifida Ruiz & Pav. var. trifida
- Acmispon subpinnatus (Lag.) D.D.Sokoloff
- Adesmia argentea Meyen
- Adesmia balsamica Bertero ex Colla
- Adesmia bijuga Phil.
- Adesmia viscosa Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.
- Alstroemeria garaventae Ehr. Bayer
- Alstroemeria pulchra Sims ssp. pulchra
- Alstroemeria pulchra Sims var. maxima Phil.
- Alstroemeria revoluta Ruiz & Pav.
- Anemone moorei Espinosa
- Antidaphne punctulata (Clos) Kuijt
- Archidasyphyllum excelsum (D.Don) Cabrera
- Aristolochia pearcei Phil.
- Azara celastrina D.Don
- Azara petiolaris (D. Don) I.M.Johnst.
- Berberidopsis granitica Menegoz, A.E. Villarroel & Lavandero
- Berberis actinacantha Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.
- Berberis chilensis Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. var. chilensis
- Berberis congestiflora Gay
- Berberis horrida Gay
- Berberis negeriana Tischler
- Berberis valdiviana Phil.
- Bipinnula plumosa Lindl.
- Calandrinia nitida (Ruiz & Pav.) DC.
- Calceolaria ascendens Lindl. ssp. exigua (Witasek) Nic.García
- Calceolaria asperula Phil.
- Calceolaria caleuana M.Muñoz & Moreira
- Calceolaria campanae Phil.
- Calceolaria flavida Lavandero & Santilli
- Carex bracteosa Kunze ex Kunth
- Chaetanthera multicaulis DC.
- Chloraea bletioides Lindl.
- Cistanthe chamissoi (Barnéoud) Carolin ex Hershk.,
- Colliguaja odorifera Molina
- Combera minima (Phil.) Sandwith
- Cordia decandra Hook. & Arn.
- Crinodendron patagua Molina
- Cryptocarya alba (Molina) Looser
- Eulychnia acida Phil.
- Gardoquia gilliesii Graham
- Haplopappus integerrimus (Hook. & Arn.) H.M.Hall
- Helenium glaucum (Cav.) Stuntz
- Jubaea chilensis (Molina) Baill.
- Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don
- Kageneckia oblonga Ruiz & Pav.
- Lardizabala biternata Ruiz & Pav.
- Lepechinia chilensis (Molina) R.Morales
- Lepechinia salviae (Lindl.) Epling
- Lepechinia subhastata (Benth.) Epling
- Lepidoceras chilense (Molina) Kuijt
- Leucostele chiloensis (Colla) Schlumpb.
- Libertia sessiliflora (Poepp.) Skottsb.
- Malesherbia fasciculata D. Don var. fasciculata
- Malesherbia linearifolia (Cav.) Pers.
- Miersia putaendensis A. Cádiz-Véliz
- Miersia raucoana J.E.Sepúlveda & Nic.García
- Miersia stellata C.Cuevas & Nic.García
- Neobartsia chilensis (Benth.) Uribe-Convers & Tank
- Nolana acuminata (Miers) Miers ex Dunal
- Notanthera heterophylla (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don
- Solanum alphonsei Dunal
- Solanum etuberosum Lindl.
- Solenomelus pedunculatus (Gillies ex Hook.) Hochr.
- Stachys grandidentata Lindl.
- Stachys macraei Benth.
- Stachys pannosa Phil.
- Stachys philippiana Vatke
- Stachys sericea Cav.
- Stachys truncata Kunze ex Benth.
- Teucrium bicolor Sm.
- Tristerix aphyllus (Miers ex DC.) Barlow & Wiens
- Ulantha apinnula (Gosewijn) Szlach.