Place of Publication
Phytotaxa 502 (3): 231: 231 (Fig. 1, 3B1–2) (2021)
Type citation
CHILE. Valparaíso: Provincia de San Felipe de Aconcagua, Comuna de Putaendo, Cuesta El Manzano, Quebrada Estero El Arrayán, 32°30‘12“S 70°47‘19“W, 850 m of elevation, 09 August 2020, A. Cádiz-Véliz 548 (holotype: JBN 4069!; isotypes: EIF 14041!, SGO!, CONC!,).
Cádiz-Véliz (2021)
Cádiz-Véliz, A
2021. Miersia putaendensis sp. nov. (Gilliesieae, Amaryllidaceae), a new species endemic to Central Chile, Phytotaxa 502 (3): 230–236.
Mediterranean and
Mountain matorral & sclerophyllous forest
Distribution and habitat
Only known from the Type locality where it grows on south-facing hillsides, on cliffs or steep slopes with abundant vegetation, within the interior of Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodlands with Quillaja saponaria, Porlieria chilensis, Lithraea caustica and Colliguaja odorifera in relatively shaded sites within the canopy. It occurs across an elevational range from 830 to 920 m above sea level. The species distribution is restricted to the type locality within an area of about 500 square metres and has not been found any of the in surrounding areas.
Conservation status
Critically Endangered B1
(Cádiz-Véliz (2021))
Flowering from July to August. Fruiting from September to October