The Tarapacá Region is located in the north of Chile between the Regions of Arica-Parinacota to the north and Antofagasta to the south, it has a surface area of 42,226 km². The region has isolated fog oasis or lomas formations and although these are relatively species-poor, compared with those along the southern coast of Antofagasta Region, they do support important assemblages of endemic plants species. One such fog oasis is Alto Patache which has a flora of about 54 species including one of the few populations of Alstroemeria lutea and the recently described Nolana patachensis. Separating the Coastal mountain range and the western slopes of the Andes is the vast plain of Pampa del Tamarugal. This green oasis is the home Prosopis tamarugo; a leguminous tree endemic to northern Chile where it once formed an extensive forest. This extremely arid habitat has little or no rain, therefore, the Prosopis trees have extensive root systems which tap into 20 m deep aquifers. Many of the 149 species endemic to the region grow along Andean-fed watercourses and at higher altitudes (2800-3900 m) where the rainfall is sufficient to support shrubland habitats.
Endemic Taxa in Tarapacá
- Adesmia argentea Meyen
- Adesmia atacamensis Phil.
- Adesmia eremophila Phil.
- Adesmia pusilla Phil.
- Aimara rollinsii (Al-Shehbaz & Martic.) Salariato & Al-Shehbaz
- Aldama atacamensis (Phil.) E.E.Schill. & Panero
- Alstroemeria lutea M.Muñoz
- Anatherostipa venusta (Phil.) Peñailillo
- Aphyllocladus denticulatus (J.Rémy) Cabrera var. calvus (Phil.) Cabrera
- Atacamallium minutiflorum R. Pinto & Nic. Garcia
- Atriplex atacamensis Phil.
- Atriplex chizae Rosas
- Atriplex glaucescens Phil.
- Atriplex madariagae Phil.
- Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst.
- Bahia ambrosioides Lag.
- Balbisia microphylla (Phil.) Reiche
- Bowlesia paposana I.M. Johnst.
- Bromus gunckelii Matthei
- Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC
- Calceolaria stellariifolia Phil.
- Cardionema andinum (Phil.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.
- Carex phylloscirpoides Saldivia et al.
- Chuquiraga ulicina ssp. ulicina (Hook. & Arn.) Hook. & Arn.
- Cistanthe cephalophora (I.M.Johnst.) Carolin ex Hershk.
- Cistanthe cymosa (Phil.) Hershk.
- Cistanthe thyrsoidea (Reiche) Peralta & D.I. Ford
- Conanthera campanulata Lindl.
- Coreopsis suaveolens Sherff
- Cristaria aspera Gay var. aspera
- Cristaria cyanea Phil.
- Cristaria integerrima Phil. var. integerrima
- Cristaria molinae Gay
- Cristaria multiflora Gay
- Cristaria tenuissima M. Muñoz
- Cristaria viridiluteola Gay var. pinnata (Phil.) M. Muñoz
- Cristaria viridiluteola Gay var. viridiluteola
- Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
- Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey. ssp. glomerata
- Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
- Cuscuta purpurata Phil.
- Cynodon nitidus Caro & E.A.Sánchez
- Dalea pennellii (J.F.Macbr.) J.F.Macbr. var. chilensis Barneby
- Dinemagonum gayanum A.Juss.
- Dinemandra ericoides A. Juss.
- Domeykoa andina Saldivia & Faúndez
- Encelia canescens Lam. ssp. oblongifolia (DC.) S.F.Blake
- Eremocharis fruticosa Phil.
- Eriosyce caligophila R.Pinto
- Eriosyce iquiquensis (F.Ritter) Ferryman
- Eulychnia iquiquensis (K.Schum.) Britton & Rose
- Euphorbia tarapacana Phil.
- Fabiana ramulosa (Wedd.) Hunz. & Barboza
- Gentianella tarapacana (Gilg) T.N. Ho & S.W. Liu
- Glandularia atacamensis (Reiche) J.M.Watson & A.Hoffm.
- Glandularia gynobasis (Wedd.) N. O’Leary & P. Peralta
- Gutierrezia espinosae Acevedo
- Gymnophyton foliosum Phil.
- Gymnophyton robustum Clos
- Heliotropium eremogenum I.M. Johnst.
- Heliotropium linariifolium Phil.
- Heliotropium myosotifolium (A. DC.) Reiche
- Heliotropium pycnophyllum Phil.
- Helogyne macrogyne (Phil.) B.L.Rob.
- Hoffmannseggia aphylla (Phil.) G.P. Lewis & Sotuyo
- Hoffmannseggia doellii Phil. ssp. doellii
- Huidobria fruticosa Phil
- Junellia bryoides (Phil.) Moldenke
- Lepidium cumingianum Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
- Leucocoryne appendiculata Phil.
- Lomanthus coscayanus (Ricardi & Martic.) Pruski
- Lupinus oreophilus Phil.
- Lycium deserti Phil.
- Malesherbia corallina M. Muñoz & R. Pinto
- Malesherbia humilis var. parviflora (Phil.) Ricardi
- Mathewsia auriculata Phil.
- Metharme lanata Phil. ex Engl.
- Mirabilis acuta (Reiche) Heimerl
- Mirabilis trollii Heimerl
- Montiopsis demissa (Phil.) D.I. Ford
- Montiopsis trifida (Hook. & Arn.) D.I. Ford
- Myrosmodes nervosa (Kraenzl.) Novoa, C. Vargas & Cisternas
- Nassella pungens E.Desv.
- Neltuma flexuosa var. fruticosa (Meyen) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewis
- Neuontobotrys linearifolia (Kuntze) Al-Shehbaz
- Nicotiana solanifolia Walp.
- Nolana aplocaryoides (Gaudich.) I.M. Johnst.
- Nolana divaricata (Lindl.) I.M. Johnst.
- Nolana foliosa (Phil.) I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana intonsa I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana jaffuelii I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana leptophylla (Miers) I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana patachensis J. Hepp & M. O. Dillon
- Nolana peruviana (Gaudich.) I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana rostrata (Lindl.) Miers ex Dunal
- Nolana sedifolia Poepp.
- Nolana tarapacana (Phil.) I.M.Johnst.
- Nototriche auricoma (Phil.) A.W. Hill
- Nototriche diminutiva (Phil.) I.M.Johnst.
- Nototriche nana A.W.Hill
- Ophryosporus anomalus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Ophryosporus pinifolius (Phil.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Oriastrum tarapacensis A.M.R.Davies
- Orobanche tarapacana Phil.
- Oxalis bulbocastanum Phil.
- Philippiamra amaranthoides (Phil.) Kuntze
- Plantago hispidula Ruiz & Pav.
- Plantago litorea Phil.
- Portulaca philippii I.M.Johnst.
- Proustia cuneifolia subsp. tipia (Phil.) Luebert
- Pseudognaphalium munoziae N. Bayón, C. Monti & S.E. Freire,
- Reyesia chilensis Gay
- Reyesia juniperoides (Werderm.) D'Arcy
- Schizanthus fallax I.M.Johnst.
- Senecio behnii Ricardi & Martic.
- Senecio ctenophyllus Phil.
- Senecio festucoides J.Calvo & A.Moreira
- Senecio madariagae Phil.
- Senecio pfisteri Ricardi & Martic.
- Senecio zapahuirensis Martic. & Quezada
- Sibara anethifolia (Phil.) Al-Shehbaz
- Solanum brachyantherum Phil.
- Solanum pinnatum Cav.
- Spergularia arbuscula (Gay) I.M.Johnst.
- Spergularia stenocarpa (Phil.) I.M.Johnst.
- Stellaria chilensis Pedersen
- Stevia philippiana Hieron.
- Strombocarpa burkartii (Muñoz) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewis
- Strombocarpa tamarugo (Phil.) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewis
- Tarasa pediculata Krapov.
- Tetragonia angustifolia Barnéoud
- Tetragonia ovata Phil.
- Tigridia philippiana I.M. Johnst.
- Tiquilia atacamensis (Phil.) A.T.Richardson
- Trichocline caulescens Phil.
- Trichocline deserticola Zardini
- Tweedia birostrata (Hook. & Arn.) Hook. & Arn.
- Villanova robusta Phil.
- Viola polypoda Turcz.
- Viola uniquissima J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores
- Weberbauerella chilensis Faúndez & Saldivia
- Zephyra elegans D. Don
Endemic taxa only occurring in Tarapacá
- Alstroemeria lutea M.Muñoz
- Domeykoa andina Saldivia & Faúndez
- Eriosyce caligophila R.Pinto
- Eriosyce iquiquensis (F.Ritter) Ferryman
- Lomanthus coscayanus (Ricardi & Martic.) Pruski
- Malesherbia corallina M. Muñoz & R. Pinto
- Mirabilis trollii Heimerl
- Nolana foliosa (Phil.) I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana intonsa I.M.Johnst.
- Nolana patachensis J. Hepp & M. O. Dillon
- Ophryosporus pinifolius (Phil.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Orobanche tarapacana Phil.
- Pseudognaphalium munoziae N. Bayón, C. Monti & S.E. Freire,
- Strombocarpa burkartii (Muñoz) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewis
- Viola uniquissima J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores