The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Atriplex madariagae Phil.

Place of Publication

Anales Mus. Nac., Santiago de Chile II: 73 (1891)


  • Philippi R.A. (1891)

    Philippi, R.A. 1891. Catalogus Praevius Plantarum in Itinere ad Tarapaca a Friderico Philippi Lectarum. Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile, Santiago de Chile, II: 1–94.

  • Brignone et al. (2016)

    Brignone, N F , Denham, S S and Pozner, R 2016. Synopsis of the genus Atriplex (Amaranthaceae, Chenopodioideae) for South America. Australian Systematic Botany, 29:324–357