Who are we?
This website is a collaborative initiative between the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Fundación Chilco. We are grateful for the support of partner organisations which include:
Through its website, Chilebosque gives detailed information, supported by images, which relates to Chilean native plant life and includes all woody and herbaceous flowering plants but also ferns, mosses, lichens and fungi. Collaborator researcher: Diego Alarcón.
Coorporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) – Región de Valparaíso
The mission of CONAF is to contribute to the sustainable management of native forests, xerophytic formations and forest plantations, as well as to the conservation of biological diversity through the National System of Protected Wildlife Areas, for the benefit of society. Collaborating researchers: Pablo Mira, Patricio Novoa.
Coorporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF)– Archipiélago Juan Fernández
The Juan Fernández Archipelago National Park (PNAJF), administered by the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) was created in 1935 and represents 0.01% of the Chilean territory, however, it represents 5% of the Chilean endemic plant species. Compared with other island of the world, Robinson Crusoe uniquely contains the highest number of endemic plants per surface area - around 1.9 endemic species per km². Collaborating researchers: Park Rangers of PNAJF, Richard Torres, Victor Lagos, Javiera Meza and Felipe Sáez.
EIF Herbarium of the University of Chile
The EIF herbarium of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Nature Conservation was founded in 1966 by Federico Schlegel and currently houses about 14,000 herbarium specimens. Historically it specialized in the threatened woody flora of Chile but now the collection has been extended to include the entire Chilean flora. The Faculty consists of associated researchers who work in molecular systematics. In addition, we collaborate with the Ministry of Environment to implement the Chilean GBIF node. Research collaborator: Dr. Nicolás García
Herbario del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (MNHN)
The National Herbarium of Chile (SGO), of the National Museum of Natural History, has around 145600 specimens, with all the vegetable groups of Chile represented and also collections of plants from abroad. The Botanical section of the MNHN was created in 1889 by Rodulfo Amando Philippi and has collections by Claudio Gay, Carlo Bertero (1828-1830), Rodulfo Philippi (1851-1889), Federico Philippi, Carlos Reiche, Carlos Muñoz Pizarro, Mélica Muñoz-Schick. Collaborating researchers: Gloria Rojas, Jimena Arriagada.
Jardín Botánico Chagual
Also known as the Botanical Garden of Santiago, it is a public botanical garden of 44 hectares that is located in the interior of the Metropolitan Park. It is in the process of development, focusing on the preservation of plants native to the Mediterranean climate of Chile. Collaborators: María Victoria Legassa, Antonia Echenique.
Jardín Botánico Nacional de Viña del Mar
Created in 1951, the Jardín Botánico Nacional is located in the V Region of Valparaíso. It consists of 395 hectares including scrub hills and sclerophyllous forest. Within this, there are 22 hectares of old public gardens built by Pascual Baburizza. Collaborating researchers: Mauricio Cisternas, Diego Reyes.
Fundación R.A. Philippi de Estudios Naturales
The Fundación R.A. Philippi de Estudios Naturales, is a non-profit institution created in 2001. it aims to promote the study of natural sciences and knowledge, teaching and dissemination of Chile's natural heritage, with special emphasis on botany. Collaborating researcher: María Teresa Eyzaguirre.
Formed in 2011, Patagua is dedicated to the integrated management of water resources and socio-environmental projects for the conservation and enhancement of natural spaces associated with water. We work with local communities in environmental education programmes with much of this being achieved through public workshops. Collaborators: Camila Teutsch, Alejandra Díaz.
Rainforest Concern, UK
The charity Rainforest Concern was established in 1993 to protect threatened natural habitats, the biodiversity they contain and the indigenous people who still depend on them for their survival. In Chile it works in collaboration with the Universidad Austral de Valdivia in The Nasampulli Reserve and with Corporacion Bosques de Zapallar (CBZ) in helping to protect Parque El Boldo coastal forests.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE)
RBGE is an internationally renowned centre of excellence in plant biodiversity research and biodiversity conservation and has been growing and studying plants for nearly 350 years. Through the International Conifer Conservation Programme, The Garden has been collaborating with Chilean partners for almost 30 years. Projects have included field surveys and inventories, the establishment of private protected areas, training in taxonomy and conservation genetics and in botanic garden practices and horticulture.
Seed Bank, The National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), Intihuasi
Created in 1990, the Seed Bank in INIA in Vicuña (Chile) has the purpose of conserving the plant genetic heritage of Chile ex situ. Located in the Elqui Valley, it belongs to the Vicuña Experimental Center of INIA Intihuasi and is part of the INIA Germplasm Bank Network. The seed bank has a capacity to store 75,000 samples under strictly controlled conditions which keeps seeds viable, with long-term conservation being its main objective. Collaborators: Carolina Pañitrur (Head of the Seed Bank), Ana Sandoval (Technical Manager), Sergio Ibáñez (Taxonomist).
The Atacama Desert Centre
The Atacama Desert Center, established in 2006, aims to carry out research in science and technology for the knowledge and integral development of the arid and semi-arid zones of the north of the country. It is especially linked to the Atacama Experimental Station UC - Niebla Oasis of Alto Patache (Tarapacá Region), a meeting and development place for students and researchers, and one of the few university stations on the northern coast of Chile. Collaborators: Patricio Pliscoff, Josefina Hepp.
The International Conifer Conservation Programme (ICCP)
The International Conifer Conservation Programme was established in 1991 and is based at the RBGE. The Programme has worked on over 50 countries where it combines taxonomic, conservation, genetic and horticultural research with international capacity building to further conifer conservation. Together with Rainforest Concern, it works with partners in Chile where it helps to protect ecosystems through forest purchase and research. The ICCP also coordinates the work of the IUCN's Conifer Specialist Group and the Conifer Redlist Authority. Coordinator: Martin Gardner.