Place of Publication
Fl. Peruv. [Ruiz & Pavon] 1: 51, t.78. (1798b)
- Plantago albida Phil. Look at Vol 91 to see if this is on page 268
- Plantago brachystachys Walp.
- Plantago callosa Colla
- Plantago disticha Phil.
- Plantago macrosperma Steud.
- Plantago steinheilii Barnéoud, p.p.
- Plantago steinheilii Barnéoud, p.p.
- Plantago stenopetala Phil.
- Plantago stenopetala Phil. var. stricta
- Plantago subtrinervis Phil.
- Plantago truncata Cham. & Schltdl. var. canohirsuta
- Plantago tumida Link
Ruiz & Pavón (1798b)
Ruiz, H. and Pavon, J.A. 1798b. Flora peruviana, et chilensis prodromus, sive descriptiones, et icones plantarum peruvianarum, et chilensium, secundum systema Linnaeanum digesta, vol. 1. Romae: Paleariniano
Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, Del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, Maule, Araucanía, Los Ríos, Arica y Parinacota and Ñuble
Desert, Coastal desert and semidesert, Desert fog oases (Lomas), Mediterranean, Coastal matorral and Central plain steppe
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.