The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Heliotropium linariifolium Phil.

Place of Publication

Fl. Atacam: 38 (1860a)

Type citation

Chile, in regioni litorali deserti herbosa ad Cachinal de la Costa, 13 Dec. 1853, R A. Philippi s.n. (lectotype: SGO 42217, selected by Johnston (1928b: 37); isolectotype: B†.



  • Philippi R.A. (1860a)

    Philippi, R.A. 1860a. Florula Atacamensis seu enumeratio plantarum, quas in itinere per desertum Atacamense. Sumptibus E. Anton

  • Luebert (2013)

    Luebert, F. 2013. A revision of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae). Kew Bulletin 68(1): 1-54.