Place of Publication
Anales Univ. Chile 43: 515-516 (1873a)
Type citation
Chile, Región de Atacama, Prov, Huasco, Carrizal Bajo, Sept. 1885, F. Philippi s.n. (lectotype: SGO 54362, selected by Förther (1998, 226): isolectotypes: GH, SGO 42218)
Philippi R.A. (1873a)
Philippi, R.A.
1873a. Descripcion de las plantas nuevas incorporadas últimamente en el herbario chileno. Anales de la Universidad de Chile 43: 479-583
Förther (1998)
Förther, H.
1998. Die infragenerische Gliederung der Gattung Heliotropium L. und ihre. Stellung innerhalb der subfam. Heliotropioideae (Schrad.) Arn. (Boraginaceae) . Sendtnera 5: 35—341
Luebert (2013)
Luebert, F.
2013. A revision of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae). Kew Bulletin 68(1): 1-54.
Coquimbo and
Desert and
Desert fog oases (Lomas)
Distribution and habitat
Confined to coastal areas of the provinces of Copiapó and Huasco between 27º43'S and 28º22'S. Dry and sandy desert coastal areas from 5–400 metres above sea level. Infrequent in shrubby vegetation dominated by Atriplex mucronata, Eulychnia breviflora, Heliotropium sinuatum and Oxalis virgosa.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Heliotropium longistylum Phil.
Conservation status
Erect shrub 0.4–1.2 m. Flowering from September to October.
Key characteristics
This species can be confused with H. stenophyllum from which it differs in its larger leaves and flowers and by having a style longer than the stigmatic head.
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.