The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Heliotropium megalanthum I.M. Johnst.

Place of Publication

Cont. Gray Herb. 81: 35 (1928)

Type citation

Based on Cochrane corymbosa: "in prov. Coquimbo" [dry valleys and hills between Huasco and Copiapô], [Sept. 1841], T. Bridges 1341 (lectotype: BM, selected by Johnston (1928b: 35); isolectotypes: Ε E00143685, Κ ).



  • Johnston (1928)

    Johnston, I.M. 1928. Studies in the Boraginaceae. VII. The South American species of Heliotropium; Notes on various Boraginoideae. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 81:3-83

  • Luebert (2013)

    Luebert, F. 2013. A revision of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae). Kew Bulletin 68(1): 1-54.