The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Weberbauerella chilensis Faúndez & Saldivia

Place of Publication

Not. Mens. Mus. Nac. Hist. 360: 42 (2008)

Type citation

CHILE. Tarapacá: Comuna de Pica, Camino a Salar del Huasco, 3600 m, 31 March 2008, L. Faúndez & B. Larraín s.n. (holotype SGO 162972!, isotypes SGO 162973!, CONC 177641!).


  • Saldivia & Faúndez (2008)

    Saldivia, P. and Faúndez , L. 2008. Weberbauerella chilensis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae), a new species from the Atacama Desert, Chile. Phytotaxa, 177: 280–290.