Place of Publication
Not. Mens. Mus. Nac. Hist. 360: 42 (2008)
Type citation
CHILE. Tarapacá: Comuna de Pica, Camino a Salar del Huasco, 3600 m, 31 March 2008, L. Faúndez & B. Larraín s.n. (holotype SGO 162972!, isotypes SGO 162973!, CONC 177641!).
Saldivia & Faúndez (2008)
Saldivia, P.
Faúndez , L.
2008. Weberbauerella chilensis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae), a new species from the Atacama Desert, Chile. Phytotaxa, 177: 280–290.
Tarapacá and
Desert and
Andean desert
Distribution and habitat
This species is found in the Atacama Desert in the Tarapacá region on a narrow altitudinal strip in the upper boundaries of very dry desert. It grows on sandy soils between 2500 to 3600 m altitude where it grows in open habitats that include Metharme lanata, Nolana tarapacana and Tiquilia grandiflora (Faúndez & Saldivia, 2008).
Conservation status
Endangered EN B1ab(iii)
(Faúndez & Saldivia (2008))
Herbaceous perennial, 10–15 cm tall. Flowering from September to March.