The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Berberis congestiflora Gay

Place of Publication

Fl. Chil. [Gay] 1.: 81 (1845)

Type citation

Valdivia, Gay s.n., 1839 [Lectotype, designated by Landrum 1999, P; isolectotypes: P, G]

Common names

  • michai (Landrum (1999))


  • Gay (1845)

    Gay, C. 1845. Historia física y política de Chile: Botánica, vol. 1(1):1-104. Paris & Chile (Museo Historia Natural de Santiago)

  • Landrum (1999)

    Landrum, L.R. 1999. Revision of Berberis (Berberidaceae) in Chile and Adjacent Southern Argentina. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 84(4): 793-804

  • Marticorena & Rodríguez (2003)

    Marticorena , C. and Rodríguez , R. 2003. Flora de Chile, Vol. 2(2) Berberidaceae-Betulaceae. Universidad de Concepción


  • Landrum (1999): Figs: 4F-H, 6C, 10B


Araucanía and Los Ríos


Mediterranean and Mountain matorral & sclerophyllous forest

Distribution and habitat

Restricted to the Central Valley of Chile where it occurs from Province Cautín (Region Araucanía) to La Unión (Region Los Ríos). It grows in open areas that has now been converted to agricultural land and is often seen along fence lines (Landrum, 1999).


  • Berberis congestiflora Gay
    • Berberis congestiflora Gay
      • Berberis congestiflora Gay
        • Berberis congestiflora Gay
          • Berberis congestiflora Gay
            • Berberis congestiflora Gay
              • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                  • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                    • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                      • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                        • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                          • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                            • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                              • Berberis congestiflora Gay
                                • Berberis congestiflora Gay

Conservation status

  • Not Threatened


  • Landrum (1999)


Evergreen shrub to 3 m tall. Flowering mainly from October to December. Fruiting mainly in January (Landrum, 1999).

Key characteristics

Closely related to B. actinacantha from which it differs by having new leaves appearing on flowering branches (vs. non-flowering branches) with entire leaves distinctly white glaucous beneath (vs. toothed margins not glaucous beneath), up to 25 flowers per inflorescence, pedicles 2-4 mm long (vs. 14, pedicles 3-20 mm long) (Landrum, 1999).