Place of Publication
Bot. Misc. 3(8-9): 135 (1833)
Type citation
Chile. Juan Fernandez [Archipelago, Más a Tierra Island], Graham s.n., Douglas s.n., and Cuming 1338 (syntypes, not seen, = SGO photo [Cuming 1338, E-GL]!)
Hooker J.D. (1833a)
Hooker, W.J
1833. Contributions towards a flora of South America & the islands of the Pacific. Botanical Miscellany, vol. 3(8-9):129-211, 302-367. London: John Murray
Archipiélago de Juan Fernández
Temperate Forests and
Juan Fernández rainforest
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to the Másatierra of the Juan Fernández Islands where it is relatively rare species of humid forests.
Shrub or small tree to c. 5 m tall. Flowering in November and December. Fruiting in January and February (Landrum, 1999).
Key characteristics
Style and stigma prom-inent; stamens without tooth-like appendages; spines none or insignificant; inflorescence a panicle or umbel; leaves usually submembranous, the margins usually entire (Landrum, 1999).