The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.

Place of Publication

Bot. Beechey Voy. 1: 5 (1830)

Type citation

Chile. Coquimbo, Macrae s.n. (holotype, not seen, E-GL?, K?; isotype, G not seen; = F-27409!).



  • Hooker & Arnott (1830)

    Hooker, W.J. and Arnott, G.A.W. 1830. The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage; comprising an account of the plants collected by Messrs Lay and Collie, and other officers on the expedition, during the voyage to the Pacific and Bering's Strait, performed in His Majesty's Ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey, R. N., F. R., & A. S., in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28. Part 1. London: Henry G. Bohn

  • Landrum (1999)

    Landrum, L.R. 1999. Revision of Berberis (Berberidaceae) in Chile and Adjacent Southern Argentina. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 84(4): 793-804

  • Marticorena & Rodríguez (2003)

    Marticorena , C. and Rodríguez , R. 2003. Flora de Chile, Vol. 2(2) Berberidaceae-Betulaceae. Universidad de Concepción


Coquimbo and Valparaíso

Distribution and habitat

This species has a limited distribution in the Coquimbo Region. A species of sparse to dense sclerophyllous scrub (Landrum, 1999).


  • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
    • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
      • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
        • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
          • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
            • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
              • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
                • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
                  • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
                    • Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
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  • Landrum (1999)


Evergreen shrub to 2 m tall. Flowering from July to September. Fruiting from September to Novembe (Landrum, 1999).

Key characteristics

Style short; stamens with tooth-like appendages; spines small, with 3-5 arms; inflorescence an umbel or short raceme of up to 8 flowers; leaves small, angular, with wing-like marginal teeth, smooth below, not glaucous (Landrum, 1999).


Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.