The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Berberis horrida Gay

Place of Publication

Fl. Chil. [Gay] 1.: 84 (1845)

Type citation

Chile. Provincias centrales, Gay s.n. (lectotype, (designated by Landrum, 1999), P! [sheet a mixed collection, lefthand portion lectotype; right- hand portion B. actinacantha, excluded], = ASU photo!; isolectotype, P! [mixed collection, as in previous, lefthand portion isolectotype], = F-34526!).



  • Gay (1845)

    Gay, C. 1845. Historia física y política de Chile: Botánica, vol. 1(1):1-104. Paris & Chile (Museo Historia Natural de Santiago)

  • Landrum (1999)

    Landrum, L.R. 1999. Revision of Berberis (Berberidaceae) in Chile and Adjacent Southern Argentina. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 84(4): 793-804

  • Marticorena & Rodríguez (2003)

    Marticorena , C. and Rodríguez , R. 2003. Flora de Chile, Vol. 2(2) Berberidaceae-Betulaceae. Universidad de Concepción


  • Landrum (1999): Figs. 7C, 11C