The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Malesherbia fasciculata D. Don var. fasciculata

Place of Publication

Edinburgh New Philos. J. 12: 206 (1831)

Type citation

CHILE. Metropolitana Region: Chacabuco, Cuming 176 (lectotype, designated by Bull-Hereñu, 2020 K000500481!, isolectotype. F686802!, E13093!, E13092!, GH, FI)



  • Don D. (1831b)

    Don, D. 1831. Descriptions of some new species Malesherbia, Kageneckia, Quillaja, and a new genus of the order Salicariae. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 12:110-113, 206

  • Ricardi (1967)

    Ricardi , M. 1967. Revisión taxonómica de las Malesherbiaceas. Gayana. Botánica 16:3-139

  • Bull-Hereñu (2020)

    Bull-Hereñu, K. 2020. The genus Malesherbia Ruiz & Pav. (Passifloraceae) in Chile. Phytotaxa 468 (1): 1-44


  • Ricardi (1967): figs. 29 a-c
  • Bull-Hereñu (2020): figs. 3e–g