Place of Publication
Fl. Atacam: 18 (1860a)
Type citation
CHILE. Antofagasta Region: Cachinal de la Sierra, desierto Atacama, January 1854, R.A. Philippi s.n. (type SGO052413!)
Philippi R.A. (1860a)
Philippi, R.A.
1860a. Florula Atacamensis seu enumeratio plantarum, quas in itinere per desertum Atacamense. Sumptibus E. Anton
Ricardi (1967)
Ricardi , M.
1967. Revisión taxonómica de las Malesherbiaceas. Gayana. Botánica 16:3-139
Bull-Hereñu (2020)
Bull-Hereñu, K.
2020. The genus Malesherbia Ruiz & Pav. (Passifloraceae) in Chile. Phytotaxa 468 (1): 1-44
- Ricardi (1967): fig. 24a-f
- Bull-Hereñu (2020): fig. 8c-d
Antofagasta and
Semidesert and
Semiarid Andean cordillera
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to a few populations in dry hills of the central desert shrubland in the Antofagasta Region between 1500–2500m, with a ca 150km long north-south distribution, roughly from Quebrada Chimborazo in the north to Quebrada de la Peineta in the south (Bull-Hereñu, 2020)
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
Malesherbia deserticola Phil.
- Ricardi (1967)
- Bull-Hereñu (2020)
Erect subshrub up to 40 cm tall