The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Carex bracteosa (Kunze ex Rchb.) Kunth

Place of Publication

Enum.Pl. 2: 379 (1837)

Type citation

Chile [V Región de Valparaíso, Prov. Valparaíso] "In fossis paludos, prope Concon, Octbr." [1837], Poeppig Coll. pl. Chil. 249 (lectotype designated by Wheeler & Muñoz-Schick, 2007) BM.



  • Kunth (1837)

    Kunth, C.S. 1837. Enumeratio Plantarum Omnium Hucusque Cognitarum 2

  • Wheeler & Muñoz-Schick (2007)

    Wheeler, G. A. and Muñoz-Schick, M. 2007. Carex bracteosa (Cyperaceae) from Chile and its lectotypification. Noticiario Mensual, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) 358: 17-21.

  • Muñoz-Schüler et al (2024)

    Muñoz-Schüler, P , García-Moro, P , Márquez-Corro, J I , Penneckamp,, D , Sanz-Arnal, M , Martín-Bravo, S and Jiménez-Mejías, P 2024. The Genus Carex (Cyperaceae) in Chile: A General Update of Its Knowledge, With an Identification Key. Gayana Botánica 80(2):103-132.