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Brit. Fl. Gard. 3: t.270 (1828a)
Cita del ejemplar Tipo
Chile, lectotype Sweet 1828, t. 270 (selected by Sparre & Andersson, 1991)
- Chymocarpus tricolor (Sweet) Heynh.
- Tropaeolum coccineum Miers
- Tropaeolum elegans G.Don
- Tropaeolum incrassatum Steud.
- Tropaeolum jarrattii Youell ex Paxton
- Tropaeolum subincrassatum Steud.
- Tropaeolum tricolor Sweet var. aurantiacum
- Tropaeolum tricolor Sweet var. grandiflorum
- Tropaeolum tricolor Sweet var. grandiflorum
- Tropaeolum tricolor Sweet var. jarrattii
Sweet (1828a)
Sweet, R. 1828a. The British flower garden : containing coloured figures & descriptions of the most ornamental & curious hardy herbaceous plants including annuals, biennials, & perrenials; with their scientific and English names; best method of cultivation and propagation; the heights they generally attain; or any information respecting then that may be considered useful or interesting. 3
- Watson & Flores (2010c): Figs 51-52