Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Tropaeolum sessilifolium Poepp. & Endl.

Lugar de publicación

Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. [Poepp. & Endl.] 1: 24, t. 38, f.1–11. (1835)

Cita del ejemplar Tipo

Chile, northern sector (Chile bor'), mountains ('Cordillera), Poeppig (probably) s.n. (lecotype: W; possible isotype: MO)


  • Poeppig & Endlicher (1835)

    Poeppig, E.F. y Endlicher, I.L. 1835. Nova genera ac species plantarum, quas in regno chilensi peruviano et in terra amazonica annis mdcccxxvii ad mdcccxxxii legit Eduardus Poeppig et cum Stephano Endlicher descripsit iconibusque illustravit, vol. 1.

  • Sparre & Andersson (1991)

    Sparre, B. y Andersson, L. 1991. A taxonomic revision of the Tropaeolaceae, Opera Botanica 108:1-139

  • Watson & Flores (2010c)

    Watson, J.M. y Flores, A.R. 2010c. A synopsis of perennial tuberous Tropaeolum L. Section Chilensia Sparre (Tropaeoleaceae), including validation of three subsections and a new, reclassified natural hybrid. Herbertia 64: 150-281


  • Watson & Flores (2010c): Fig 14-17