The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Tropaeolum sessilifolium Poepp. & Endl.

Place of Publication

Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. [Poepp. & Endl.] 1: 24, t. 38, f.1–11. (1835)

Type citation

Chile, northern sector ('Chile bor.'), mountains ('Cordillera'), Poeppig (probably) s.n. (lectotype: W, possible isotype: MO).


  • Poeppig & Endlicher (1835)

    Poeppig, E.F. and Endlicher, I.L. 1835. Nova genera ac species plantarum, quas in regno chilensi peruviano et in terra amazonica annis mdcccxxvii ad mdcccxxxii legit Eduardus Poeppig et cum Stephano Endlicher descripsit iconibusque illustravit, vol. 1.

  • Sparre & Andersson (1991)

    Sparre, B. and Andersson, L. 1991. A taxonomic revision of the Tropaeolaceae, Opera Botanica 108:1-139

  • Watson & Flores (2010c)

    Watson, J.M. and Flores, A.R. 2010c. A synopsis of perennial tuberous Tropaeolum L. Section Chilensia Sparre (Tropaeoleaceae), including validation of three subsections and a new, reclassified natural hybrid. Herbertia 64: 150-281


  • Watson & Flores (2010c): Fig 14-17