Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Gardoquia gilliesii Graham

Lugar de publicación

Edinburgh New Philos. J. 11: 377-378 (1832)

Cita del ejemplar Tipo

“This species was raised by Mr Neill from seeds communicated from Chile by the gentleman to whom I have dedicated it, and by whom, in conjunction with Mr Cruckshanks, so new an appearance has within these few years been given to our greenhouses”


Nombre común

  • menta de árbol (Morales (2018))
  • oreganillo (Morales (2018))


  • Graham (1832)

    Graham, R. 1832. Description of several new and rare plants which have lately flowered in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, and chiefly in the Royal Botanic Garden. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Edinburgh. 11:376-380

  • Morales (2018)

    Morales, R. 2018. Labiates (Lamiaceae) of Chile. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 75(1):1-74