Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Copiapoa conglomerata (Phil.) Lembcke



  • Walter (2011)

    Walter, H E 2011. Typification of Copiapoa conglomerata (Phil.) Lembcke: “A re–evaluation of the evidence for the correct identity of Copiapoa conglomerata and its neotypification Cactus World 29: 103–104

  • Larridon et al. (2015)

    Larridon, I , Walter, H , Guerrero, P , Duarte, M , Cisternas, M , Peña, C , Bauters, K , Asselman, P , Goetghebeur, P y Samain, M.-S 2015. An integrative approach to understanding the evolution and diversity of Copiapoa (Cactaceae), a threatened endemic Chilean genus from the Atacama Desert. American Journal of Botany. 102. 1506-1520.