Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Robinsonia macrocephala Decne.

Lugar de publicación

Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 2, 1: 28 (1834)

Cita del ejemplar Tipo

"Vidi specim. unicum in herb. Mus. Paris, a Claudio Gay relatum." (Tipo en GDC. Posible Tipo en P [x4])



  • Decaisne (1834)

    Decaisne, J. 1834. Monographie des genres Balbisia et Robinsonia, de la famille des Composées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique sér. 2, 1: 16-30

  • Johow (1896)

    Johow, F. 1896. Estudios sobre la Flora de las Islas de Juan Fernández. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta Cervantes

  • Skottsberg (1922)

    Skottsberg, C. 1922a. The Phanerogams of Juan Fernandez Islands. In: The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island 2, Botany, ed C. Skottsberg, C., pp. 95-240. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells

  • Skottsberg (1952)

    Skottsberg, C. 1952a. Weitere Beitrage zur Flora der Insel San Ambrosio. Arkiv for Botanik Band 1(12):453-469.

  • Sanders et al. (1982)

    Sanders, R.W. , Stuessy, T.F. y Marticorena, C. 1982. Recent changes in the flora of the Juan Fernández islands, Chile. Taxon 31(2): 284-289

  • Sanders et al. (1987)

    Sanders, R.W. , Stuessy, T.F. , Marticorena, C. y Silva, M.O. 1987. Phytogeography and evolution of Dendroseris and Robinsonia, tree - Compositae of the Juan Fernández Islands. Opera Botanica 92: 195-215.

  • Danton & Lesouef (1998)

    Danton, P. y Lesouef, J.Y. 1998. Evaluación del grado de amenazas de las plantas endémicas. En: Danton, P., Baffray, M. & Breteau, E. Primera expedición botánica en el Archipiélago Juan Fernández. Informe N°1 CONAF región de Valparaíso. Manuscrito

  • Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (2009)

    Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, 2008. Pouteria splendens (A. DC.) Kuntze Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (


Archipiélago de Juan Fernández

Distribución y habitat

This small tree was once endemic to Isla Más a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island) where it grew between Sector Puerto Francés and Quebrada Rabanal with an area of occurrence of less than 10 km2 . It was even reported as a rare species in the 1890s by the botanist Federico Johow and almost a century on in the 1980s only a single individual survived in Puerto Francés (Ricci,1989). Subsequent searches over a period of 15 years failed to find any plants remaining in the wild. Historically this species was cut by early colonizers and taken to Europe to be used as incense for Churches, it was also used for medicinal purposes (Johow 1896). Grazing by cattle, sheep, goats, and rabbits further decimated the population.

Categoría de conservación

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