Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Robinsonia berteroi (DC.) R.W.Sanders, Stuessy & Martic.

Lugar de publicación

Amer. J. Bot. 72(7): 989 (1985)


Nombre común

  • resino hembra


  • Johow (1896)

    Johow, F. 1896. Estudios sobre la Flora de las Islas de Juan Fernández. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta Cervantes

  • Skottsberg (1922)

    Skottsberg, C. 1922a. The Phanerogams of Juan Fernandez Islands. In: The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island 2, Botany, ed C. Skottsberg, C., pp. 95-240. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells

  • Skottsberg (1952)

    Skottsberg, C. 1952a. Weitere Beitrage zur Flora der Insel San Ambrosio. Arkiv for Botanik Band 1(12):453-469.

  • Pacheco et al. (1985)

    Pacheco, P. , Crawford, D.J. , Stuessy, F.T. y Silva, M. 1985. Flavonoid evolution in Robinsonia (Compositae) of the Juan Fernandez Islands. American Journal of Botany 72(7): 989-998

  • Danton & Perrier (2005)

    Danton, P. y Perrier, C. 2005. Notes sur la disparition d'une espèce emblématique: Robinsonia berteroi (DC.) Sanders, Stuessy & Martic. (Asteraceae), dans l'île Robinson Crusoe, archipel Juan Fernández (Chili). Le Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France 31: 3-8

  • Sáez Quintana

    Sáez Quintana, F. . Ficha de antecedentes de especie - Robinsonia berteroi (DC.) Sanders, Stuessy & Martic.


Archipiélago de Juan Fernández

Distribución y habitat

Historically the species was present in several locations on Isla Más a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island), specifically Quebrada Rabanal, Cerro Central, Cordón Salsipuedes and Quebrada Villagra (Johow 1896), Camote up to Cerro Chumacera (Skottsberg 1922). It also occurred on the summit of El Yunque Hill (Skottsberg 1952) where it was associated with Drimys confertifolia, Myrceugenia fernandeziana and the tree fern Dicksonia berteroana. Between 1982 and 2004 it was only known from a single individual growing in Quebrada de Villagra. In 2004, 174 years after its discovery, Danton describes the last plant had been attacked by rodents, destroying its bark. Subsequently this last surviving individual died and the species was declared extinct (Danton & Pierrer 2005). No individuals survive ex situ!

Categoría de conservación

  • Extinta