Las plantas endémicas de Chile

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Oxybasis halophila (Phil.) Uotila,

Cita del ejemplar Tipo

Lectotypus (designated Uotila, 2022): Chile. Reg. Los Lagos: Llanquihue, Coihuín, prope Puerto-Montt, s.d., Fonk s.n. (SGO [SGO000001634] image!; isolectotype: [SGO000001635] image!).



  • Uotila (2022)

    Uotila, P 2022. New combinations and notes on Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae) from southern South America. Candollea 77(1): 9-16


Los Lagos

Distribución y habitat

This species is known from a very limited area in the Llanquihue Province (Coihuín). It is only known to grow brackish water shores (Uotila, 2022).