Lugar de publicación
Gayana Bot. 65(1): 115 (fig. 1,2) (2008)
Cita del ejemplar Tipo
CHILE, Región de Atacama, Provincia de Chañaral, south-facing, steep debris-covered slopes of Falda Verde. Sparsely covered with Heliotropium, Oxalis gigantea and Euphorbia lactiflua, 26° 17.67´ S, 70° 37.74´ W, 100 m, 21.10.2005, C. Heibl 02-022 (holotype: CONC; isotypes: M, SGO) (Fig. 1, 2).
Heibl & Marticorena (2008)
Heibl, C y Marticorena, C 2008. Oxalis novemfoliolata, a new species of Oxalis sect. Carnosae endemic to the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Gayana. Botánica 65(1): 115-118.
Shaw (2022)
Shaw, J M H 2022. Shaw, J.M.H. Oxalis OXALIDACEAE. In: Eggli, U., Nyffeler, R. (eds) Dicotyledons: Rosids. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants. Springer, Cham.
Mediterráneo y Matorral costero
Distribución y habitat
Only known from the Type Locality in Región de Atacama, Provincia de Chañaral on slopes of Falda Verde. The associated Mediterranean coastal desert shrub vegetation consists of: Eulychnia iquiquensis, Heliotropium pycnophyllum, Oxalis gigantea and Euphorbia lactiflua.
- Shaw (2022)