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Bot. Misc. 3(8-9): 191 (1833)
- Adesmia calopogon Phil.ex Reiche
- Adesmia deserticola Phil.
- Adesmia genistoides C. Presl
- Adesmia ulicina C. Presl
- Patagonium calopogon Phil. ex Reiche
- Patagonium deserticolum (Phil.) Kuntze
- Patagonium genistoides (C. Presl) Kuntze
- Patagonium genistoides (C. Presl) Reiche, comb. superfl.
- Patagonium pedicellatum (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze
- Patagonium ulicinum (C. Presl) Kuntze
Hooker J.D. (1833a)
Hooker, W.J 1833. Contributions towards a flora of South America & the islands of the Pacific. Botanical Miscellany, vol. 3(8-9):129-211, 302-367. London: John Murray