Place of Publication
Verh. Deutsch. Wiss. Verein Santiago de Chile, Neue Folge 3: 65 (1936)
Type citation
Based on Tylloma ciliatum Phil., “Specimina duo servo, unum in provincia Colchagua a doctore Simon alterum a me ipso prope Vicuña s. Elqui lectum.” (Syntypes in SGO)
Davies (2010)
Davies, A.M.R.
2010. Chaetanthera and Oriastrum. A systematic revision of Chaetanthera Ruiz and Pav. and the reinstatement of Oriastrum Poepp. and Endl. (Asteraceae: Mutisieae). Alemania: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschriften
Grandjot & Grandjot (1936)
Grandjot, G.F.
Grandjot, K.
1936. Der Potrero Grande in der Kordillere von Santiago. Verhandlungen des Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Verein zu Santiago de Chile, Neue Folge 3: 30-66
Valparaíso and
Distribution and habitat
Occurs between the provinces of Antofagasta and Cordillera (25° 50'-33° 50' lat. S), between 265-3200 metres above sea-level where it grows in open sunny places on screes and flat areas. Flowers from October to February.
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
Chaetanthera schroederi G.F.Grandjot & K.Grandjot
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Annual herb up to 15 cm long (flowering stems 2 cm long).
Key characteristics
This species is close to Chaetanthera limbata and Chaetanthera pubescens, but it is distinguished by having long filamentous hairs at the base of the leaves and along the margin of the leaf stalks (Davies 2010).