The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Solanum fernandezianum Phil.

Place of Publication

Linnaea 29(1): 23 (1858)

Type citation

Juan Fernández Islands [Masatierra Island]: Oct 1854, P. Germain s.n. (holotype: SGO! [photos: PTIS!, Montaldo and Sanz, 1962, p. 76!]).



  • Philippi R.A. (1858b)

    Philippi, R.A. 1858. Plantarum novarum Chilensium: centuria quarta, quinta, sexta. Linnaea 29(heft 1): 1-47, 48-95, 96-110

  • Contreras & Spooner (1999)

    Contreras M, A and Spooner, D.M. 1999. Revision of Solanum Section Etuberosum (Sugenus Potatoe). In: M.Nee, D.E. Symon, R.N. Lester & J.P.Jesop (editors). Solanaceae IV. pp. 227-245. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


Archipiélago de Juan Fernández

Distribution and habitat

Restricted to Robinson Crusoe Island (Masatierra) where it grows on forest edges in valley bottoms from 100-620 m.


Herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial, erect and sometimes becoming trailing, up to 1 m long. Flowering from January to March.


Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.