The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Schizanthus nutantiflorus J.Chinga & Lavandero

Place of Publication

Syst. Bot. 46(2): 464 (2021)

Type citation

CHILE. Region de Antofagasta: Provincia de Antofagasta, quebrada al E de Playa Hornitos, 500 m, 22°56'30.60”S,70°15'28.30”W, 18 June 2015, (fl., fr.), J. Chinga & M.F. Pérez s.n. (holotype: CONC-190926!)


  • Lavandero et al. (2021)

    Lavandero, N , Chinga, J , Pinto, R and Pérez, M F 2021. A New Distinctive Species of Schizanthus (Solanaceae) and the Reinstatement of Schizanthus fallax. Systematic Botany (2021), 46(2): 456–469