The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Schizanthus litoralis Phil. var. litoralis

Place of Publication

Anales Univ. Chile 91: 118 (1895b)

Type citation

CHILE. Valparaíso: “Médanos Concon”, 10 Dec 1884, F Philippi s.n. (Lectotype designated by Grau and Gronbach 1984, pg. 136 [as type]: SGO [SGO000004531 = 055374]).



  • Philippi R.A. (1895b)

    Philippi, R.A. 1895b. Plantas nuevas Chilenas de las familais que corresponden al tomo V de la obra de Gay. Anales de la Universidad de Chile 91: 5-47, 105-160, 243-275, 415-432, 487-526, 607-635

  • Morales-Fierro et al. (2020)

    Morales-Fierro, Vanezza , Muñoz-Schick, Mélica and Moreira-Muñoz, Andrés 2020. Synopsis of Schizanthus Ruiz & Pav. (Solanaceae), a genus endemic to the southern Andes. PhytoKeys 154: 57–102


  • Morales-Fierro et al. (2020): fig. 5a–d