Place of Publication
Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17(3): 417 (1836)
Type citation
Andes of Chili, Cuming 249 (lectotipo, K cb 000532038, designado by Teillier et al., 2019 , isolectotypes, BM cb 000993215, E cb 00514671, G cb 00437266; associated with Bridges 515, K cb 000532037 y K cb 000532038! erroneously attributed to Cuming).
Bentham (1836)
Bentham, G. 1836. On the Erigonieae, A Tribe of the order Polygonaceae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 17(3): 401-420
Teillier et al (2019)
Teillier, S , Macaya-Berti, J and Novoa, J 2019. Revisión de Chorizanthe R. Br. ex Benth. (Polygonaceae) en Chile. Gayana Botánica 79(1) 34-60
Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana and Del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins
Distribution and habitat
Distributed from Region Coquimbo (Prov. de Choapa) and Region O’Higgins, (Prov. from Cachapoal). It grows montane areas (750-1500 meters above sea level).
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Chorizanthe paniculata Benth.
Here is #map_1 -
- Teillier et al (2019)
Subshrub 20-30 cm tall
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.