The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Berberis rotundifolia Poepp. & Endl.

Place of Publication

Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. [Poepp. & Endl.] 2: 63 (1828)

Type citation

“Crescit in Chile australis alpinis frigidis montis Pico de Pilque”



  • Landrum (1999)

    Landrum, L.R. 1999. Revision of Berberis (Berberidaceae) in Chile and Adjacent Southern Argentina. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 84(4): 793-804

  • Marticorena & Rodríguez (2003)

    Marticorena , C. and Rodríguez , R. 2003. Flora de Chile, Vol. 2(2) Berberidaceae-Betulaceae. Universidad de Concepción

  • Poeppig & Endlicher (1838)

    Poeppig, E. and Endlicher , S. 1828. Nova genera ac species plantarum, quas in regno chilensi peruviano et in terra amazonica annis mdcccxxvii ad mdcccxxxii legit Eduardus Poeppig et cum Stephano Endlicher descripsit iconibusque illustravit, vol. 2.


  • Landrum (1999): figs 3D, 13A
  • Marticorena & Rodríguez (2003): Lam. 3