Place of Publication
Gayana, Bot. 68(2): 313 (2011)
Type citation
Chile. VIII Región. Provincia de Bío-Bío. Yumbel. Camino estación Yumbel hacia Puente Perales, 102 m, (37º09’S-72º32’W). 30-XII-2002. C. Baeza 4187 (CONC). (holotipo, CONC. ).
Baeza & Ruiz (2011)
Baeza, C.M.
Ruiz, E
2011. Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. subsp. sansebastiana C.M. Baeza & E. Ruiz, nueva para la flora de Chile. Gayana. Botánica 68(2): 313-315
- Baeza & Ruiz (2011): fig 1A
Biobío and
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to a small area on the border of Regions Biobio and Ñuble near to Pangal del Laja (Baeza et al. 2010). Here it grows in very sandy soils in an area which is subject to extreme erosion that has been planted with Pinus radiata.
Conservation status
EN B1ab(iii)
(Baeza & Ruiz (2011))
Perennial up to 48 cm tall.
Key characteristics
This subspecies closely resembles ssp. hookeri from which it differs in growing much taller, inflorescence with longer pedicles (greater than 3 cm). The flowers are paler pink, with darker streaks on the inside of the upper tapals.