Place of Publication
Gatt. Alstr. Chile: 149, t. 26, 113, (1986 [1987])
Type citation
"Specim. Cuming 394" (holtipo: BM; isotipo: E 00147341).
Bayer (1986) [1987]
Bayer, E
1986 [1987]. Die Gattung Alstroemeria in Chile. Dissertation. Universität München
Bayer (1987a)
Bayer, E.
1987. Die Gattung Alstroemeria in Chile. Mitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 24: 1-362
Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003)
Muñoz-Schick, M
Moreira-Muñoz, A
2003. Alstroemerias de Chile; Diversidad, distribución y conservación. Santiago de Chile: Taller La Era
Baeza et al. (2010)
Baeza, C
Ruiz, E
Negritto, M
2010. Comparative karyotypic analysis in the Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. (Alstroemeriaceae) complex sensu Bayer (1987). Genetics and Molecular Biology 33(1): 119-124.
- Bayer (1987a): ilus.: 26, 113, 164
- Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003): Págs.: 106. 107
Coquimbo and
Distribution and habitat
Restricted to coastal areas of Region Valparaiso, north of Pichicuy and beach of San Sebastián. It has an altitudinal range of between sea level 1000 m. It is confined to sandy areas and dunes.
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Alstroemeria hookeri Lodd. ssp. recumbens (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer
Show all locations
- Bayer (1987a)
- Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003)
Perennial herb 4-22 cm tall. Flowering from November to January
Key characteristics
It is possible to confuse this subspecies with that of ssp. maculata due its similar habit, but it differs in only having conspicuous yellow markings on the inside of the upper tepals and not having any pattern markings on the lower tepal.