The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Schizopetalon arcuatum Al-Shehbaz

Place of Publication

Harvard Pap. Bot. 1(1): 34 (1989)

Type citation

Chile. Prov. Atacama: Dept. Freirina, Camino a Carrizalillo por Quebrada Chañaral, 4 km SE de la junta del camino El Morado, 350 m, 28°57’S, 71°17’W, 23 Oct. 1971, C. Marticorena, R. Rodríguez & E. Weldt 1803 (holotype, OS!; isotype, CONC!, F!)


  • Al-Shehbaz (1989)

    Al-Shehbaz, I.A. 1989. Systematic and phylogeny of Schizopetalon (Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers Botany 1(1): 10-46.


  • Al-Shehbaz (1989): figs. 2c; 3e.f