Place of Publication
Harvard Pap. Bot. 1(1): 34 (1989)
Type citation
Chile. Prov. Atacama: Dept. Freirina, Camino a Carrizalillo por Quebrada Chañaral, 4 km SE de la junta del camino El Morado, 350 m, 28°57’S, 71°17’W, 23 Oct. 1971, C. Marticorena, R. Rodríguez & E. Weldt 1803 (holotype, OS!; isotype, CONC!, F!)
- Al-Shehbaz (1989): figs. 2c; 3e.f
Distribution and habitat
Coastal dunes, including sandy dry inland gullies of northern locations of Huasco to southern Carrizalillo (Region Atacama).
Classic Locations
Schizopetalon arcuatum Al-Shehbaz
Schizopetalon arcuatum Al-Shehbaz
Schizopetalon arcuatum Al-Shehbaz
Schizopetalon arcuatum Al-Shehbaz
- Al-Shehbaz (1989)
- Toro et al. (2018)
Annual herb with stems from 7-25 cm tall.
Key characteristics
This species resembles S. tenuifolium however, it differs in having a bracteate inflorescences throughout, stout fruiting pedicels 3-5(-6.5) mm long, obsolete or very short styles to 0.6 mm long, and undivided leaf lobes 1-3 mm broad. S. arcuatum has been confused with S. biseriatum and S. marìtimum but is easily distinguished by having strongly arcuate fruits and inflorescences (Al-Shehbaz, 1988)
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.