The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Ophryosporus paradoxus (Hook. & Arn.) B.D.Jacks.

Place of Publication

Index Kew. 2(3): 354 (1894)

Type citation

Chile. Region V Valparaíso: T.C. Bridges 52 (lectotype, selected by Plos and Sancho (2013: 336): E [E00249901, photo!]; isolectotypes: K [K486667, photo!], W [W0018468, photo!]); remaining syntypes: Valparaíso, H. Cuming 337, K [K486668, photo!], E [E249900, E249902, photo!]; W [W0018467, photo!]. Valparaíso, J.Gillies (not seen).



  • Jackson (1894)

    Jackson, B. D. 1894. Index Kewensis, an enumeration of the genera and species of Flowering plants, vol. 2(3). Oxford: at The Clarendon press

  • Merklinger &, Luebert (2020)

    Merklinger, F.F. and Luebert, F 2020. Notes on the genus Ophryosporus (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) in Chile. Phytokeys 161: 61–77