Place of Publication
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(5): 232 (1930)
- Bahia resinosa DC.
- Bahia resinosa DC. ex Hook.f.
- Brachyris floribunda Phil.
- Brachyris paniculata DC.
- Brachyris paniculata DC. var. floribunda
- Galinsoga resinosa Hook. & Arn.
- Gutierrezia brachyris Macloskie
- Gutierrezia compacta Phil.
- Gutierrezia laricifolia D.Don
- Gutierrezia paniculata (DC.) A.Gray
- Gutierrezia resinosa (Hook. & Arn.) S.F.Blake
- Odontocarpha poeppigii DC.
Common names
- delgadilla
- monte amarillo
- pichanilla
- pichana
Blake (1930)
Blake, S.F. 1930. Notes on certain type specimens of American Asteraceae in European herbaria. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 26(5): 227-263
Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso and Del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.