Place of Publication
Syst. Bot. 10(3): 240 (1985)
Type citation
Based on Chiilania pusilla Roiv. Plantae Chilenses. Prov. de Nuble, Cordillera de Chillan, propa Ter- mas de Chillan, in margine rivuli. 2100 m.s.m., 15.4.1929, H. Roivainen s.n. (holo- type: H!).
Seberg (1985)
Seberg, O. 1985. The Identity of Chillania pusilla Roivainen (Cyperaceae) Systematic Botany 10(3):239-240
Hinchliff et al. (2010)
Hinchliff , C A A , Carey, T and Roalson, E 2010. The origins of Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) and the status of Websteria, Egleria, and Chillania. Taxon, 59(3), 709-719