The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Carex transandina G.A. Wheeler

Place of Publication

Brittonia 38(4): 317 (1986)

Type citation

Chile, Prov. Magallanes, Isla Virtudes (E.), 51°31'S, 74°55'W, formacion detricola, 12 Feb 1976, T.B.P.A.-FIT. 779 (holotype: BAB!).


  • Wheeler (1986)

    Wheeler, G.A. 1986. Two new species of Carex (Cyperaceae) are described from southern South America (Cyperaceae) from austral South America and additional taxonomic and phytogeographical notes on the genus. Brittonia. 38(4):317-324

  • Wheeler (1989)

    Wheeler, G.A. 1989. The taxonomy of Carex sect. Aciculares (Cyperaceae) in South America. Systematic Botany 14(2):168-188


  • Wheeler (1989): fig. 2