Place of Publication
Linnaea 29(1): 33 (1858)
Type citation
Chile VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Cachapoal, Rancagua, Punte de Cortés, 1829, Bertero 129 [lectotype, (Ehrhart 2005 p. 401): G!; isotypes: P!, SGO?]
Philippi R.A. (1858b)
Philippi, R.A.
1858. Plantarum novarum Chilensium: centuria quarta, quinta, sexta. Linnaea 29(heft 1): 1-47, 48-95, 96-110
Ehrhart (2005)
, C
2005. The Chilen Calceolaria integrifolia a.l. species complex (Scrophulariaceae). Systematic Botany 30: 383-411
Valparaíso and
Del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins
Distribution and habitat
Mainly known from P.N. La Campana ( although there are historic collectons from Region O'Higgins) and probably from neighbouring mountains - perhaps from Cerro Roble. It mostly grows in semi-shaded places within Nothofagus macrocarpa forest (Ehrhart, 2005).
Conservation status
Subshrub or shrub 50–100 cm tall
Key characteristics
The main defining character is the typical stem ridges running from node to node, and by the laxly spread inflorescence with 12-24 flowers to each cyme. Although geographically isolated, it is closely related to C. talcana and C. andina (Ehrhart, 2005)
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.