The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Amomyrtus meli (Phil.) D. Legrand & Kausel

Place of Publication

Lilloa 13: 146 (1947)

Type citation

Based on Myrtus meli Phil. Isotype: “In sylvis densis provinciae Valdiviae [Coral prope Valdivia], incolis Meli. etc” December 1856, Philippi 554 (W) W0048343, possible Isotype (MICH), MICH1210126


Common names

  • meli (Landrum (1988))


  • Kausel (1947)

    Kausel, E. 1947. Notas mirtológicas. Lilloa 13: 125-149

  • Landrum (1988)

    Landrum, L R 1988. The Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae) in Chile. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 45(12):277-317

  • Donoso et al. (2006)

    Donoso Z., C. , Zúñiga, A. and Utreras, F. 2006. Amomyrtus meli (Phil.) D. Legrand & Kausel. In: Donoso, C (Ed.), Las especies arbóreas de los bosques templados de Chile y Argentina : autoecología, pp. 158-165. Marisa Cuneo Ed. Valdivia, Chile. Concepción, Chile.


  • Landrum (1988): Fig. 3B,C,D,H