Place of Publication
Amaryllidaceae: 69 (1837)
Type citation
"Valparaíso", Cumming 354 (Lectotype: K. Isolectotypes: BM, E (E00147360, E00147356), K)
Herbert (1837)
Herbert, W.
1837. Amaryllidaceae: Preceeded by an attempt to arrange the Monocotyledonous Orders, and followed by a treatise on cross-bred vegetables, and Supplement. London: James Ridgway and Sons
Bayer (1987a)
Bayer, E.
1987. Die Gattung Alstroemeria in Chile. Mitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 24: 1-362
Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003)
Muñoz-Schick, M
Moreira-Muñoz, A
2003. Alstroemerias de Chile; Diversidad, distribución y conservación. Santiago de Chile: Taller La Era
- Bayer (1987a): figs. 24, 116
- Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003): pág. 78
Metropolitana and
Del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins
Distribution and habitat
This species has a broad distribution from the Río Torca (31°05'S) in the Province of Limari (Regíon of Coquimbo) to Coya (34°12'S), Province of Cachapoal (Region of O'Higgins). Sunny hills of the coast, interior and Andean foothills between sea level and 1500 m (Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz, 2003).
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Alstroemeria angustifolia Herb. var. angustifolia
Show all locations
- Bayer (1987a)
- Muñoz-Schick & Moreira-Muñoz (2003)
Perennial herb to 85 cm tall. Flowering between October and January.
Key characteristics
This species can be confused with A. hookeri ssp. recumbens but it differs by having erect stems and longer leaves.
Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.