The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Acaena trifida var. glabrescens Regel & Körn.

Place of Publication

Index Sem. Hort. Petrop.: 57 (1858)

Type citation

‘‘Chili, Philippi [s.n.]’’ (neotipo, designated by Marticorena p. 57 (2005), LE!)


  • Regel & Körnicke (1858)

    Regel von, E.A. von and Körnicke, F.A. 1858. Index Seminum quae hortus botanicus imperialis petropolitanus promutua commutatione offert. Accedunt animadversiones botanicae nonnullae. St. Petersburg.

  • Marticorena (2006)

    Marticorena, A 2006. Revisión del género Acaena (Rosaceae) en Chile. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93(3), 412-454.