The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Abrotanella purpurea Swenson

Place of Publication

Pl. Syst. Evol. 197: 190 (1995)

Type citation

Chile, Ultima Esperanza, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, north-eastern slope of Cerro Ferrier, 750 m s.m., 51°07’S, 73°10’W, 9 Jan. 1994, Swenson & Martinsson 323” (Holotype: UPS. Isotypes: CONC, HIP, K, L, S)


  • Swenson (1995)

    Swenson, U. 1995. Systematics of Abrotanella, an Amphi-pacific genus of Asteraceae (Senecioneae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 197: 149-193


  • Swenson (1995): figs: 2b; 12d