Place of Publication
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 137 (1862)
Type citation
“Orange Harbour, & c. Fuegia, U.S. South Pacific Exploring Exp., 1838-42.” (Lectotype: designated by Swenson (1995:182): GH. Isolectotipos en P, US)
Gray A. (1862)
Gray, A.
1862. Characters of some Compositae in the Collection of the United States South pacific Exploring Expedition under captain Wilkes, with Observations, &c. Proceedings of the American Academy of Art and Sciences 5: 114-173
Moore (1983)
Moore, D.M.
1983. Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Shrewsbury: Anthony Nelson
Swenson (1995)
Swenson, U.
1995. Systematics of Abrotanella, an Amphi-pacific genus of Asteraceae (Senecioneae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 197: 149-193
Stuessy (2017)
Stuessy, T.F.
Crawford, D.J.
López-Sepúlveda, P.
Baeza, C.M,
Ruiz, E.A.
2017. Plants of Oceanic Islands Evolution, Biogeography, and Conservation of the Flora of the Juan Fernández (Robinson Crusoe) Archipelago. Cambridge University Press.
- Cabrera (1971b): fig. 160
Los Lagos,
Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo,
Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena and
Archipiélago de Juan Fernández
Temperate Forests,
Valdivian rainforest,
Juan Fernández rainforest,
Patagonian Steppe and Andean Subpolar Forests and
Distribution and habitat
Most populations occur in the archipelago of southernmost Chile but with locations in the Cordillera de Piuchén on Chiloé Island, and on Alexander Selkirk Island (Juan Fernández archipelago). It often forms small cushions or lax mats in open habitats such as mountain bogs, seepage areas, alpine moors and along streams. It has an altitudinal range from sea level in southern Chile to 1400 m on Alexander Selkirk Island (Moore,1983; Swenson, 1995).
This species has a markedly separated (disjunct) distribution, most notably with a population on Alexander Selkirk Island (Juan Fernández archipelago) some 1,155 km from the nearest population on the Island of Chiloé. This subantarctic element found on this Pacific island is the result of seed or possibly plantlets becoming attached to migratory birds (Stuessy, 2017).
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
Abrotanella linearifolia A.Gray
- Cabrera (1971b)
- Moore (1983)
- Swenson (1995)
Forms small cushions or lax mats. Flowering December to February
Key characteristics
This species can occur with A. purpurea and the two species have been confused as they both have purple flowers. A. linearifolia differs by having that are pointed, linear-oblanceolate (vs. blunt and linear) and tubular central florets (vs. campanulate).