The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Zephyranthes sarae J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores

Place of Publication

Int. Rock Gard. 122: [figs.40, 43-46] (2020)

Type citation

CHILE. Atacama Region, Huasco Province, 1 km S of Huasco town towards Playa Brava, 28º28'47"S 71º14'11"W, 65-90 m, 12 Jan 2001, leg. J.M. Watson & A.R. Flores, F.& W. 9586 (holotype SGO).


  • Hoffmann et al. (2015)

    Hoffmann J., A.E. , Watson, J.M. and Flores Q., A.R. 2015. Flora Silvestre de Chile; Cuando El Desierto Florece Vol. 1 Monocotiledóneas y otros taxones. 261 pp.

  • Watson & Flores (2019a)

    Watson, J.M. and Flores, A.R. 2019. When did you last see your Dad? A new Chilean Zephyranthes and Argentinian Olsynium gifted to Darling Daughters by their step-mum and often absent father. International Rock Gardener 120: 25-76

  • Watson & Flores 2020b

    Watson, J.M. and Flores, A.R 2020. Sarah meets her namesake. Zephyranthes sarae is still alive and kicking at Tambillo. International Rock Gardener 123: