Place of Publication
Int. Rock Gard. 122: [figs.40, 43-46] (2020)
Type citation
CHILE. Atacama Region, Huasco Province, 1 km S of Huasco town towards Playa Brava, 28º28'47"S 71º14'11"W, 65-90 m, 12 Jan 2001, leg. J.M. Watson & A.R. Flores, F.& W. 9586 (holotype SGO).
Hoffmann et al. (2015)
Hoffmann J., A.E.
Watson, J.M.
Flores Q., A.R.
2015. Flora Silvestre de Chile; Cuando El Desierto Florece Vol. 1 Monocotiledóneas y otros taxones. 261 pp.
Watson & Flores (2019a)
Watson, J.M.
Flores, A.R.
2019. When did you last see your Dad? A new Chilean Zephyranthes and Argentinian Olsynium gifted to Darling Daughters by their step-mum and often absent father. International Rock Gardener 120: 25-76
Watson & Flores 2020b
Watson, J.M.
Flores, A.R
2020. Sarah meets her namesake. Zephyranthes sarae is still alive and kicking at Tambillo. International Rock Gardener 123:
Atacama and
Coastal desert and semidesert and
Desert fog oases (Lomas)
Distribution and habitat
Comprises two adjacent populations to the north at Huasco in the Atacama Region where most plants occur and one population south of La Serena in the Coquimbo Region.
Conservation status
VU, vulnerable
(Watson & Flores (2019a))
Coastal desert and mattoral with regular dense sea fog. The overall associated species are low to dwarf xerophytic shrubs including a wide range of cacti and drought resistant geophytes
Key characteristics
It is characterized by free spathe valves, (usually) multi-flowered spathes and, with one exception, a trifid stigma. The unique aggregate of characters includes: bulb symmetrically globose, not ovoid or pyriform; anthesis always proteranthous: scape usually 2-flowered (rarely 1- or 3-flowered); perianth with subfree tepals distinctly narrow, widely spreading, and reflexed: tepal colour and markings uniformly pink and longitudinally striped; mature anthers long (Watson & Flores 2019)
Zephyranthes sarae was included in Hoffmann et al. 2015: 52, (fig. 6) as Myostemma species. See painting reproduced here.