The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Viola godoyae Phil.

Place of Publication

Anales Univ. Chile 81: 493 (1892)


  • Philippi R.A. (1892a)

    Philippi, R.A. 1892. Plantas nuevas Chilenas de la familia Crucíferas, Bixáceas, Violáceas, Polygáleas. Anales de la Universidad de Chile 81:65-86, 177-195, 329-347, 489-498

  • Watson et al. (2021a)

    Watson, J M , Flores, A , Nicola, MV and Marcussen, T 2021. Viola Subgenus Andinum, Preliminary Monograph. Scottish Rock Garden with International Rock Gardener pp 215.


  • Watson et al. (2021a): fig. 33

Conservation status

  • CR (Watson et al. (2021a))


Seed of this species is banked by the national seed bank of Chile, INIA.