The Endemic Plants of Chile

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Trisetum nancaguense Finot

Place of Publication

Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92(4): 553, f.2 (2015)

Type citation

Chile Region VI: Prov. Cardenal Caro,12km E of Pichilemu on Hwy. towards Nancagua, 34°23'S ,71° 59' W, 45m,15 Nov.1990, T.G. Lammers, C.M. Baeza y P. Penailillo 7894 holotype, CONC-113221!; isotype F-2183048!)


  • Finot et al. (2015)

    Finot, L.V. , Petersen, P.M. , Zuloaga, F.O. and Matthei, O. 2015. A Revision of Trisetum (Poaceae: Pooideae Aveninae) in South America. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 92(4): 533-568