Place of Publication
Linnaea 9: 507 (1835)
Type citation
“In sylvis umbrosis humidisque montium ins, Juan Fernandez, April 1830 lecta” Bertero 1537. (Isotypes at E, GH(x2), K(x2), MPU(x3), P(x4)).
Skottsberg (1920)
Skottsberg, C. 1920. The Pteridophytes of the Juan Fernandez Islands . In The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island 2, Botany, ed C. Skottsberg, C. , pp. 1-58. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells
Kunze (1835)
Kunze, G. 1835. Thyrsopteris, eine neue Farrngattung. Linnaea 9: 506-508